Wednesday, June 5, 2013: 9:40 AM-12:00 PM
Jones (Galt House Hotel)
Abhaya K. Datye,
University of New Mexico, USA and
Siglinda Perathoner,
University of Messina, Italy.
10:20 AM
Watching Catalysts at Work: Operando Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis
Ines Gonzales-Jiminez1, Korneel Cats1, Thomas Davidian2, Matthijs Ruitenbeek2, Florian Meirer3, Yijin Liu4, Johanna Nelson4, Joy C. Andrews4, Piero Pianetta4, Frank deGroot1 and Bert M. Weckhuysen1, (1)Utrecht University, Netherlands, (2)Dow Benelux BV, Netherlands, (3)Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy, (4)Stanford University, USA.
10:40 AM
Atomically Resolved Imaging of Reaction Steps in Catalytic Conversion of Diols on TiO2(110)
Zhenrong Zhang1, Yeohoon Yoon2, Danda Acharya2, Zhenjun Li2, Xiao Lin2, Bruce D. Kay2, Roger Rousseau2 and Zdenek Dohnalek2, (1)Baylor University, USA, (2)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA.
11:20 AM
Microscopic Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts in 3-D and in-situ/ex-situ
Ilke Arslan1, Sanchita Dey2, John Roehling2, Joost Batenburg3, Burtron H. Davis4, Bruce C. Gates2, Alexander Katz5, Daniel Perea1 and Johannes A. Lercher1,6, (1)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, (2)University of California Davis, USA, (3)Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands, (4)University of Kentucky, USA, (5)University of California Berkeley, USA, (6)Technical University of Munich, Germany.