Biomass Conversion to Fuels I

Tuesday, June 4, 2013: 1:30 PM-3:10 PM
Ballroom A (Galt House Hotel)
Johannes A. Lercher, Technical University of Munich, Germany and Carsten Sievers, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
1:30 PM
Key Questions, Approaches, and Challenges to Energy Today
John Armor, LLC, USA.
2:10 PM
Ni Catalysts for Steam Gasification of Biomass: Catalyst Screening
A. S. M. Jahirul I. Mazumder and Hugo I. de Lasa, The University of Western Ontario, Canada.
2:30 PM
Ni-Catalyzed Conversion of Lipids to Fuel-Like Hydrocarbons: From Proof of Concept to Catalyst Recycling Studies
Eduardo Santillan-Jimenez, Tonya Morgan, Jaime Shoup and Mark Crocker, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research, USA.