Bert F. Sels

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
Kasteelpark Arenberg 23
Heverlee Belgium 3001
O-M-BRA-6 Sugar Conversion to Alkyl Lactate and Lactic Acid with Bifunctional Carbon-Silica Nanocomposite Catalysts
O-M-BRA-8 Carbon Nanofiber Supported Nickel Catalysts for the Reductive Splitting of Cellulose
O-Tu-BRA-7 Design of Ru Loaded Zeolite Catalysts for Hydrogen-free Production of Conjugate Linoleic Acids and Conjugated Oils
P-W-BRC-100 Mechanistic Insight into the Tin-catalyzed Conversion of Tetrose Sugars to Alpha-Hydroxy Acid Platform Molecules with in situ NMR

Gender: Male