O-M-BRA-6 Sugar Conversion to Alkyl Lactate and Lactic Acid with Bifunctional Carbon-Silica Nanocomposite Catalysts

Monday, June 3, 2013: 11:20 AM
Ballroom A (Galt House Hotel)
Filip de Clippel1, Michiel Dusselier1, Steffen Oswald2, Lars Giebeler2, Joeri F.M. Denayer3, Pierre A. Jacobs1 and Bert F. Sels1, (1)Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, (2)IFW Dresden, Germany, (3)Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
A multifunctional carbon-silica nanocomposite with tunable pore system was used for the conversion of trioses/hexoses into added-value alkyl lactates. The independent tuning of the Bronsted and Lewis active site allows for the optimization of the acid balance, thus maximizing their cooperative effect, and results in superior product yields.

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