Randall J. Meyer

University of Illinois at Chicago
Chemical Engineering
810 S Clinton
Chicago, IL
USA 60607
O-F-Com-4 The Role of Surface Oxides in NOx Storage Reduction Catalysts: A DFT and kMC Study
O-M-BRB-6 Single Atom Alloy Pd-Ag Catalysts for Acrolein Hydrogenation
O-Th-Seg-7 Neopentane Hydrogenolysis over Supported Pd and Pt Catalysts and Alloys: A Kinetics Study of Particle Size and Alloy Effects
P-Tu-BRC-14 Selective Adsorption of Manganese onto Rhodium for Optimized Mn/Rh/SiO2 Alcohol Synthesis Catalysts

Gender: Male