O-Th-Seg-7 Neopentane Hydrogenolysis over Supported Pd and Pt Catalysts and Alloys: A Kinetics Study of Particle Size and Alloy Effects

Thursday, June 6, 2013: 11:00 AM
Segell (Galt House Hotel)
David Childers1, Arindom Saha2, Neil M. Schweitzer3, Robert M. Rioux2, Jeffrey T. Miller3 and Randall J. Meyer1, (1)University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, (2)Pennsylvania State University, USA, (3)Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
Pt and Pd catalysts were both found to exhibit increasing selectivity for isomerization of neopentane (as opposed to hydrogenolysis) with increasing particle size. In addition, PtPd alloys were observed to display improved selectivity (but lower activity) when compared to Pt and Pd monometallic catalysts.

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