Fundamentals of Catalysis I

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:30 PM-3:10 PM
301-303 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Jens Sehested, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark and Burcin Temel, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark.
1:30 PM
Kinetics and Mechanism of Ethanol Dehydrogenation on γ-Al2O3: An Assessment of Pathways That Lead to Catalyst Deactivation
Joseph DeWilde, Minje Kang and Aditya Bhan, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA.
1:50 PM
In Situ Studies of the Surface Dynamic Transformation on Cu-Based Model Catalysts
Fang Xu1,2 and Dario Stacchiola2, (1)State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, (2)Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
2:10 PM
Multi-Product Steady-State Isotopic Transient Kinetic Analysis of the Ethanol Coupling Reaction over Hydroxyapatite and Magnesia
Sabra Hanspal, Ian M. Hill, Zachary D. Young, Heng Shou and Robert J. Davis, University of Virginia, USA.
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
Origin and Tunability of Acid Sites in Amorphous Silica-Alumina
Christian Canlas1, Lei Cheng1, Brandon O'Neill2, Fulya Dogan1, Joseph A. Libera1, James A. Dumesic2, Larry Curtiss1 and Jeffrey Elam1, (1)Argonne National Laboratory, USA, (2)University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.