P-Tu-B-221 Catalytic Hydrothermal Conversion of Macroalgae-Derived Alginate into Furfural and Organic Acids in Hot Compressed Water

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Wonjin Jeon1, Choonghyeon Ban1, Geonu Park1, Hee Chul Woo2 and Do Heui Kim1, (1)Seoul National University, South Korea, (2)Pukyong National University, South Korea.
Hydrothermal depolymerisation of alginate in subcritical water was investigated as a function

of pH in order to analyse the effects of catalysts on production of value-added organic

compounds. Monomers and furfural were mainly produced by acid-catalysed reactions,

whereas lactic acid, fumaric acid and malic acid were formed by base-catalysed reactions.

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