O-Th-301-11 Ethene Oligomerization in Ni-Based Zeolites: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Reaction Mechanism

Thursday, June 18, 2015: 1:50 PM
301-303 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Rasmus Brogaard1, Yadolah Ganjkhanlou2, Gloria Berlier2, Reynald Henry1, Bjørn Tore Bleken1, Elena Groppo2, Unni Olsbye1 and Silvia Bordiga1,2, (1)University of Oslo, Norway, (2)University of Turin, Italy.
We investigate ethene oligomerization in Ni-based zeolites, combining operando infrared spectroscopy, density functional theory calculations, micro-kinetic modeling and catalytic testing. We propose and model a catalytic cycle that is supported by experimental observations, hence providing a starting point for identifying rate-limiting factors to ultimately improve catalytic activity.

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