O-Th-301-10 Methanol to Gasoline/Olefins Revisited

Thursday, June 18, 2015: 1:30 PM
301-303 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Xianyong Sun1, Sebastian Müller1, Yue Liu1, Hui Shi2, Gary L. Haller1, Maria Cruz Sanchez-Sanchez1, Andre C. van Veen3 and Johannes A. Lercher1, (1)Technical University of Munich, Germany, (2)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, (3)University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
First, a brief review of the development of the hydrocarbon pool mechanism will be presented. Second, most studies of co-feeding an aromatic or an olefin molecule with methanol were performed at temperatures below that of the commercial process. Co-feeding has been recently been revisited but at commercially relevant temperatures.

Extended Abstracts: