O-M-301-9 Synergistic Catalysis of Fe Based Bimetallic Catalysts for Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignin Derived Compounds

Monday, June 15, 2015: 2:10 PM
301-303 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Yongchun Hong1,2,3, Alyssa Hensley1, He Zhang1, Junming Sun1, Ayman Karim3, Meng Gu2, Mark Engelhard2, Jean-Sabin McEwen1 and Yong Wang1, (1)Washington State University, USA, (2)Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, USA, (3)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA.
Synergistic catalysis in hydrodeoxygenation of lignin derived compounds toward higher aromatics yield was achieved over noble metal promoted Fe catalysts. The mechanism was investigated via a combined experimental and theoretical approach, and the principles learned were successfully applied in the design of Fe based bimetallic catalysts with improved hydrodeoxygenation performances.

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