Bruce C. Gates

University of California Davis
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
One Shields Ave (Bainer Hall)
Davis, CA
USA 95616
KL-W-Jon-8 Molecular Metal Complex and Metal Cluster Catalysts on Supports: Synthesis, Performance, and Atomic-Scale Characterization
O-M-BRB-7 Hydrogenation Catalysis with Open and Closed Metal Carbonyl Clusters: Synthesis and Characterization of First Open and Sterically Protected Ir4 Carbonyl Clusters
O-Th-BRB-18 Supported Bimetallic Catalysts Incorporating Segregated Osmium and Rhodium Clusters
O-Tu-BRB-8 Catalytic Consequences of Open Metal Clusters Synthesized via Simple Oxidative Treatment
O-Tu-Seg-14 Zeolite-Supported Bimetallic Catalyst: Controlling Selectivity of Rhodium Complexes by Nearby Iridium Complexes
O-W-Jon-6 Microscopic Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts in 3-D and in-situ/ex-situ

Gender: Male