O-M-BRB-7 Hydrogenation Catalysis with Open and Closed Metal Carbonyl Clusters: Synthesis and Characterization of First Open and Sterically Protected Ir4 Carbonyl Clusters

Monday, June 3, 2013: 1:30 PM
Ballroom B (Galt House Hotel)
Alexander Okrut1, Ron C. Runnebaum1, Xiaoying Ouyang1, Ceren Aydin2, Jing Lu2, Sonjong Hwang3, Bruce C. Gates2 and Alexander Katz1, (1)University of California Berkeley, USA, (2)University of California Davis, USA, (3)California Institute of Technology, USA.
We demonstrate the effect of degree of openness (i.e. number of CO vacancies) in a supported metal carbonyl cluster on the catalytic activity.  Our results demonstrate that there is a 25-fold increase in rate per cluster when comparing open and closed variants of the same Ir4 carbonyl cluster.

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