P-M-BRC-4 Photocatalytic Degradation of Omeprazole with Eu2O3/TiO2 Catalysts

Monday, June 3, 2013
Ballroom C (Galt House Hotel)
Ra�l Alejandro Luna S�nchez1, Edgar Moctezuma1, Elisa Leyva1, Brenda Berenice Zerme�o1, Mariana Alejandra L�pez Barragan1, David Cruz Alejandre1 and Enrique Contreras Bermudez2, (1)Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potos�, Mexico, (2)Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.
We studied the photodegradation of omeprazole using Eu2O3-TiO2 as catalyst. The catalyst was synthesized by sol-gel process. The results of photocatalytic activity indicate that the organic compound is relatively easily degraded in a very short period of time. However, the compound is not a rapidly mineralized.

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