O-W-A-13 Zeolites in Carbohydrate-Based Biomass Conversion -- Chemistry at the Solid/Liquid Interface

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 4:00 PM
Ballroom A (Lawrence Convention Center)
Long Qi1, Anna Katharina Beine1, Jerry Hu2 and Susannah L. Scott3, (1)University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, (2)Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, USA, (3)University of California Santa Barbara, USA.
We have probed the solid/liquid interfaces when using zeolites as the catalysts for carbohydrate conversion. The variation of the solvents from water to semi-aqueous mixtures will enhance preferential absorption of carbohydrates. The simultaneous detection of sugar in the solid/liquid phase has been made possible by MAS solid-state NMR.

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