O-W-A-12 Hf-Beta As an Effective Solid Lewis Acid Catalyst for the Coupled Transfer Hydrogenation and Etherification of HMF with Alcohols

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 3:40 PM
Ballroom A (Lawrence Convention Center)
Jennifer Lewis, Stijn Van de Vyver, Anthony Crisci, William Gunther, Vladimir Michaelis, Robert Griffin and Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Hf-Beta, a novel Lewis acid zeolite, effectively catalyzes coupled transfer hydrogenation and etherification of 5-(hydroxymethyl)-furfural with alcohols, making it possible to generate renewable fuel additives without external hydrogen sources or precious metals. Flow experiments reveal nonuniform deactivation of the two reactions resulting from changes in the metal sites’ local environment.

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