O-F-407-4 Nitrogen Enriched Nanocarbons As a Metal-Free Water Reducing Catalysts

Friday, June 19, 2015: 9:00 AM
407 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Eric Gottlieb1, Husain Kagalwala1, John Keith2, David Yaron1, Stefan Bernhard1 and Tomek Kowalewski1, (1)Carnegie Mellon University, USA, (2)University of Pittsburgh, USA.
We show that copolymer templated nitrogen enriched nanocarbons (CTNCs) make for effective water reducing catalysts in photocatalytic water reduction. Catalytic activity is found to be optimal at 900°C, balancing nitrogen content and conductivity. Using DFT, we explore thermodynamics of simplified CTNC systems to explain and further optimize catalytic activity.

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