O-Th-407-10 Photomethanation of Gaseous CO2 with Near-Infrared Photons for Broadband Tandem Solar Fuels Reactors

Thursday, June 18, 2015: 1:30 PM
407 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Paul G. O'Brien, Amit Sandhel, Thomas E. Wood, Abdinoor A. Jelle, Doug D. Perovic, Charles A. Mims and Geoffrey Ozin, University of Toronto, Canada.
Gaseous CO2 is transformed photochemically and thermochemically to CH4 using visible and near-infrared photons over a catalyst comprising black silicon nanowire supported ruthenium. Experimental results suggest the photochemical effect is consequent of the comparatively small band gap of Si (Eg=1.1eV) compared to other supports such as silica and alumina (Eg>3eV).

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