O-Tu-406-10 Methane Oxidation on Pd@ZrO2/Si-Al2O3 Is Enhanced By Surface Reduction of ZrO2

Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 2:10 PM
406 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Chen Chen1, Yu-Hao Yeh1, Matteo Cargnello2, Christopher Murray1, Paolo Fornasiero3 and Raymond J. Gorte1, (1)University of Pennsylvania, USA, (2)Stanford University, USA, (3)University of Trieste, Italy.
Supported Pd@ZrO2 core-shell catalysts were studied for application to methane oxidation. This catalyst exhibits high activity, good thermal stability, and high resistance toward water poisoning. It was found that ZrO2 in contact with Pd is reducible. The Pd-ZrO2 interaction stabilized PdO phase and promotes the methane oxidation reaction.

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