O-Tu-403-14 Immobilization of Ru Complexes on Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica and Catalytic Application in Selective Alkane Oxidation

Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 1:30 PM
403-405 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Kenji Hara1,2, Nobuhiro Ishito1, Yoshifumi Maegawa2,3, Shinji Inagaki2,3 and Atsushi Fukuoka1, (1)Hokkaido University, Japan, (2)JST/ACT-C, Japan, (3)Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc., Japan.
The periodic mesoporous organosilica bearing 2,2’-bipyridine unit was selected as a promising support for the immobilization of Run species. The present catalyst thus obtained exhibited extremely high selectivity in oxidation of tertiary C-H bonds of admantane by using inexpensive NaClO as oxidant as well as good reusability.

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