O-W-407-9 Mechanistic Consequences of Ni-Promotion on the Hydrogenation of Phenanthrene over (Ni)MoS2/Al2O3

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:50 PM
407 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Oliver Y. Gutierrez1, Eva Schachtl1, Jong Suk Yoo2, Felix Studt2 and Johannes A. Lercher1, (1)Technische Universität München, Germany, (2)SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA.
The effect of Ni on the active sites and hydrogenating functionality of MoS2/γ-Al2O3 was studied through hydrogenation of phenanthrene, IR-spectroscopy and isotopic experiments.  Ni promotion increases the coverage of active SH species and drives the reaction towards deep hydrogenation by optimizing phenanthrene adsorption on Ni-promoted MoS2 edges.

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