O-W-407-8 Operando X-Ray Absorption and Kinetic Study of Single-Site Gallium Catalysts for Propane Dehydrogenation

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:30 PM
407 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Viktor Cybulskis1, Shankali Pradhan1, Juan Lovón Quintana1, Adam S. Hock2,3, Bo Hu3, Guanghui Zhang2, Jeffrey T. Miller2, W. Nicholas Delgass1 and Fabio H. Ribeiro1, (1)Purdue University, USA, (2)Argonne National Laboratory, USA, (3)Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.
Tetrahedral, single-site Ga3+ on silica is active for propane dehydrogenation with up to 99% selectivity at 4% propane conversion and can be reactivated under O2 at room temperature. At higher temperatures, a less active, reduced Ga species is formed, which converts to Ga3+ during PDH.

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