P-W-B-109 Glycerol Etherification Catalyzed By MFI-Type Zeolite: Effect of Catalyst Nanostructure

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Wagner Carvalho1, Ryong Ryoo2, Dalmo Mandelli1 and Nathália Simone1,2, (1)Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil, (2)Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea.
MFI-type zeolite with crystals in the nanometer range possess improved textural properties, which may positively affect their performance as catalysts in reactions involving bulky molecules. Higher conversion and selectivity to bulky products were obtained when easily prepared nanostructured MFI zeolites were used in glycerol etherification with tert butyl alcohol.

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