O-Th-408-12 Computational Catalysis Under Reaction Conditions: Spontaneous Formation of Cobalt Nano-Islands and Kinetic Role of Hydroxyl Groups during Fischer Tropsch Synthesis

Thursday, June 18, 2015: 2:10 PM
408-410 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Arghya Banerjee1, G. T. Kasun Kalhara Gunasooriya2 and Mark Saeys2, (1)National University of Singapore, Singapore, (2)Ghent University, Belgium.
To understand activity and selectivity, computational catalysis needs to account for reaction conditions. The stability of sigma-aromatic carbon and the CO coverage at B5 sites drive the spontaneous formation of cobalt nano-islands, creating active sites. The significant coverage and favorable orientation make hydroxyl groups potent hydrogenating agents during FT synthesis.

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