O-Th-406-17 Hydrocarbon Poisoning of NH3-SCR Zeolite Catalysts: A Simple Modelling Approach

Thursday, June 18, 2015: 4:20 PM
406 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Tommaso Selleri1, Isabella Nova1, Enrico Tronconi1, Michel Weibel2 and Volker Schmeisser2, (1)Politecnico di Milano, Italy, (2)Daimler AG, Germany.
Hydrocarbon poisoning is a typical issue in the low-T operation of NH3-SCR converters. A kinetic model describing the various effects involved in the deactivation process is developed and validated. The model assumes small and large lumped HC molecules and is fitted to experimental data collected on a Cu-zeolite commercial catalyst.

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