O-Tu-406-14 The Synthesis of SSZ-39 Using Mixtures of Isomeric, Organic Structure Directing Agents

Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 4:00 PM
406 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Michiel Dusselier1, Joel E. Schmidt1, Roger Moulton2, Barry Haymore2, Mark Hellums2 and Mark E. Davis1, (1)California Institute of Technology, USA, (2)Sachem, Inc., USA.
The synthesis of zeolite SSZ-39 is currently of great interest for use in a number of important reactions such as MTO and deNOx. Here, we show a possible cheaper route to the commercial synthesis of SSZ-39 by using isomeric mixtures of quaternized dimethylpiperidines as organic structure directing agents.

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