O-W-407-3 Inhibition of Hydrodesulfurization By Organonitrogen Compounds on Nimos and Comos: A DFT Study

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 10:20 AM
407 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Srinivas Rangarajan1, Corneliu Buda2, Hong Yang2 and Manos Mavrikakis1, (1)University of Wisconsin Madison, USA, (2)BP Products North America, USA.
Organonitrogen compounds in crude oil inhibit hydrodesulfurization on promoted molybdenum sulfide catalysts. We study the adsorption of a variety of nitrogen-containing molecules on plausible active sites of the catalysts using van der Waal’s corrected density functional theory. We suggest that organonitrogen compounds inhibit hydrodesulfurization through site blocking and destabilization.

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