O-Tu-408-1 Operando Spectroscopy of a Solid-Liquid-Gas Reaction System: Heterogeneous Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones on Chirally-Modified Platinum Catalyst

Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 9:40 AM
408-410 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Fabian Meemken, Konrad Hungerbühler and Alfons Baiker, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Surface processes occurring at a chirally-modified Pt-catalyst during asymmetric hydrogenation have been monitored using operando ATR-IR spectroscopy. Achieving essentially the same catalytic activity and enantioselectivity as in a conventional semi-batch reactor, our analytical set-up provides spectroscopic data facilitating a molecular level understanding of the catalytic cycle under realistic working conditions.

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