P-Mo-B-209 Supports Effect and Metal Loading over ReOx Catalysts for the Reaction of 2-Methoxyphenol Conversion

Monday, June 15, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Katherine Leiva1, Néstor Escalona1, Rafael García1, Catherine Sepulveda1, Dorothée Laurenti2, Christophe Geantet2 and Michel Vrinat2, (1)Universidad de Concepción, Chile, (2)Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON), France.
The catalytic activity and selectivity over ReOx catalyst using different supports for the 2-methoxyphenol conversion was studied. Additionally, the metal loading was studied with the most active support for ReOx catalysts and characterized by different technical. The results obtained were correlated with the Re dispersion on the support.

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