P-W-B-101 Improved Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Catalyst Technologies

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Jayakiran Rebelli1, Alex J. Sei1, Brett Smothers1, Cristiano Trionfetti2, Jaime R. Blanton1 and Stefan D. Wieland2, (1)Evonik Corporation, USA, (2)Evonik Industries AG, Germany.
Vinylacetate monomer is a major industrial chemical with worldwide capacity of 6.5 mMT in 2010 and 2-4% average growth annually. The major challenge is to understand and produce the relevant AuPd structures required to achieve higher performance and extended lifetime. This contribution discusses Evonik's development activities for improved VAM catalysts.

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