O-W-403-8 Molecular Design of Advanced Supported ReOx/Al2O3 Olefin Metathesis Catalysts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:30 PM
403-405 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Soe Lwin1, Christopher J. Keturakis1, Jaroslaw Handzlik2, Philippe Sautet3, Anatoly Frenkel4, Albert E. Stiegman5 and Israel E. Wachs1, (1)Lehigh University, USA, (2)Cracow University of Technology, Poland, (3)University of Lyon and CNRS, ENS-Lyon, France, (4)Yeshiva University, USA, (5)Florida State University, USA.


Olefin metathesis interconverts C=C bonds in hydrocarbons and can be tailored to produce an alkene of any desired length. This study provided the molecular level details of olefin metathesis by supported ReO4/Al2O3 catalysts that guided the rational design of improved catalysts.

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