P-Mo-B-167 Unit Cell Volume As a Tool to Monitor the Deactivation of ZSM-5 in FCC Catalyst

Monday, June 15, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Juergen Knoell1, Udayshankar G. Singh2, Jeffrey Nicolich3, Rafael Gonalez1, Christoph Fougret1, Stefan Brandt1 and Mike Ziebarth2, (1)Grace GmbH & Co KG, In der Hollerhecke, Germany, (2)W.R. Grace & Co.- Conn., USA, (3)W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn, USA.
This paper demonstrates the practicality of using unit cell volume as a tool to monitor the dealumination, and hence the deactivation of ZSM-5 zeolite in catalyst. This new tool developed combines the use of X-ray diffraction and Rietveld Refinment to provides valuable guidance for the development of ZSM-5-based additives for FCC application.