KL-Th-Com-11 An Overview of Ammonia SCR on Cu-Supported Zeolites

Thursday, June 6, 2013: 1:30 PM
Combs Chandler (Galt House Hotel)
Fabio H. Ribeiro1, W. Nicholas Delgass1, William F. Schneider2, Jeffrey T. Miller3, Aleksey Yezerets4, Trunojoyo Anggara2, Christopher Paolucci2, Shane A. Bates1, Anuj Verma1 and Atish Parekh1, (1)Purdue University, USA, (2)University of Notre Dame, USA, (3)Argonne National Laboratory, USA, (4)Cummins Inc., USA.


In this study, dry NO oxidation,  spectroscopic techniques and the SCR reaction kinetics were used to probe the Cu species that are present in SSZ-13.

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