OD09 Effect of the MgO Activation Conditions on its Basicity and Catalytic Properties

Monday, June 6, 2011: 1:50 PM
Ambassador Ballroom 1 (Detroit Marriott Hotel at the Renaissance Center )
Carlos R. Apesteguia1, Juana I. Di Cosimo1, Verónica K. Diez1, Cristián A. Ferretti2 and Pablo A. Torresi1, (1)Catalysis Science and Engineering Research Group (GICIC), INCAPE, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, (2)Catalysis Science and Engineering Group (GICIC), INCAPE (UNL-CONICET), Santa Fe, Argentina
Results in this work show that the density and strength of MgO base sites, and consequently its activity and selectivity for base-catalyzed reactions, can be regulated by changing the calcination temperature of the solid.

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