Call for Papers
2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting
Steps and Instructions:
Preview of the Submission Process and Instructions
Kokes Award Application: Presenting author may apply on the 'author' step of the submission process. Kokes Awards will be available for up to 100 students, which includes a waiver of registration, housing and partial travel support. Students need to be enrolled at a North American university and must present a paper at the meeting.EXTENDED deadline for Kokes Award Applications and Recommendation Letters is Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:59pm PST.
Enter the title of your abstract. -
Please select two - three keywords. -
Enter Authors
Enter author name, affiliation, and contact information. For authors from the same institution, please make sure that the affiliations are entered in the same way. You may apply for a Kokes Award on this step.
In order to maximize the number of speakers able to present their work at the NAM25, only one presentation will be allocated per presenting author. The presenting author for each oral or poster presentation must register in order for the abstract to be included in the program. -
Enter a Short Summary of 50 Words
We recommend that you prepare your summary as a word document and then copy and paste it in the space provided. -
Upload Extended Abstract
Extended Abstract guidelines:
Extended abstracts must be submitted in PDF format and may include pictures, graphs, charts, and references. Abstracts are limited to one page and must be in landscape format divided into two columns. A word template is available for download: Word Template.
The template margins are 1.25" top, 1.25" bottom, 1" left and 1" right.
This template should be employed for the preparation of abstracts for North American Catalysis Society Meeting. Final submission of the abstract requires converting the final document to *.pdf format.
You will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all is complete. -
After Submission
Presenting authors will be automatically informed via email of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password. Please add to your address book to ensure that you receive future communications.
Technical Support
For help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support.