O-Tu-403-16 Characterization of Shape Selective Properties of Novel Zeolite SSZ-87 Via Catalytic Test Reactions and Hydrocarbon Physisorption

Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 2:50 PM
403-405 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Cong-Yan Chen1,2, Stacey Zones1,3, Dan Xie1 and Annabelle Benin1, (1)Chevron Energy Technology Company, USA, (2)University of California at Davis, USA, (3)University of California Berkeley, USA.
Here we report a novel zeolite called SSZ-87 and its characterization via catalytic test reactions and hydrocarbon physisorption. This investigation, together with the structure studies, provide new insight into the shape selective properties of this new zeolite, leading to a better understanding of the structure-property relationships in zeolite catalysis.

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