P-W-B-153 Reactivity of Zr-Wox Clusters in Fe- and Mn-Tungstated Zirconia Catalysts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Martha L. Hernandez-Pichardo, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, Paz Del Angel, UTSA, Mexico and Ascencion Montoya-de la Fuente, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico.
Fe and Mn increases the activity of sulfated zirconia but do not promote tungstated zirconia (WZ). The sub-nanometer Zr-WOx clusters have been proposed to be responsible for the activity of WZ. Thus, Pt/FMWZ catalysts were evaluated to find the influence of these metals on the formation of these clusters.

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