O-W-408-17 Mechanistic Insights into Catalytic Deoxygenation Aldol Condensation and Esterification over Metal Oxides

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 5:00 PM
408-410 (Lawrence Convention Center)
Wenjie Tang1, Erin Fitzharris1, Enrique Iglesia2 and Matthew Neurock3, (1)University of Virginia, USA, (2)University of California Berkeley, USA, (3)University of Minnesota, USA.
Herein we utilized first principle density functional theory to examine and identify kinetic-determining features for aldol condensation of carbonyl species over TiO2, ZrO2 and ZnO.  Results stress the importance of enolate stabilization via surface coulombic interaction, weak-weak acid-base catalytic site pairs, and minimized steric repulsions between coupling oxygenates.

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