P-Tu-B-117 Synthesis and Catalytic Evaluation of CaO/ CuFe2O4 for Biodiesel Production

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Diogo Borges, São Carlos Federal University, Brazil, Audrey Moores, McGill University, Brazil, Elisabete M. Assaf, University of São Paulo - Chemistry Institute of São Carlos, Brazil and Jose M. Assaf, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil.
In this work,was studied catalysts based on CaO/CuFe2O4. The catalyst showed catalytic performance of 85% in the model transesterification reaction and 32,8% betewen soybean oil/ethanol. The stability showed that these can be used for up to 6 cycles of reaction and that Ca2+leached does not catalyzed the reaction in homogeneous medium.

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