P-W-B-191 Ab Initio X-Ray Absorption Modeling of Cu-SAPO-34: Oxidation State of Cu Ions Under Different Conditions

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Ballroom B (Lawrence Convention Center)
Renqin Zhang1, Kathy Helling1, Vincent Kispersky2, Fabio H. Ribeiro2 and Jean-Sabin McEwen1, (1)Washington State University, USA, (2)Purdue University, USA.
A Cu+ peak in the experimental XANES of Cu-SAPO-34 is assigned to several Cu ion species. By studying Cu K-edge XANES of Cu-SAPO-34 with various adsorption species of different oxidizing power, we concluded that our computational XANES results capture the real trend of the edge shift with oxidation state.

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