Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnolog�a
Carr. Tijuana-Ensenada, km. 107
O-M-Fre-16 Synergetic Effect of Ce and Al in the Aerobic Oxidative Esterification of Benzyl Alcohol Over Au-Ce-Al Catalysts
P-M-BRC-16 Au@SiO2 Nanoreactors Decorated with Ceria
P-M-BRC-125 Synergetic Effect of Al, Ce and Zr in CO Oxidation and NO Reduction over Gold Catalysts at Lean Burn Conditions
P-Tu-Wil-21 Oxidation of CO and Alcohols over Au/Mg(OH)2 and Au/MgO Catalysts
P-W-Cle-6 Study of Au@SiO2 Nanoreactors Synthesis by UV-Vis Spectroscopy in situ
P-W-Cle-7 Immobilization of Fungal Enzyme in Mesoporous Materials for Selective Oxidative Reactions of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Biodesulfurization
Gender: Male