P-M-BRC-131 Controlled Preparation of V-single Site VSiBEA Zeolite for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia

Monday, June 3, 2013
Ballroom C (Galt House Hotel)
Rafal Baran1, Thomas Onfroy2, Yannick Millot2, Teresa Grzybek1 and Stanislaw Dzwigaj2, (1)AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, (2)Laboratoire de R�activit� de Surface, UMR 7197 CNRS, UPMC, France.
VxSiBEA zeolites were prepared by two-steps postsynthesis method. The VxSiBEA containing vanadium as pseudotetrahedral species have high selective to desired product (N2) and are active in NO conversion at 773 K. The catalytic activity of VxSiBEA in SCR of NO depends on nature and environmental of vanadium in BEA zeolite.