O-F-Jon-2 The Relation Between Interfacial Charge Transport and Performance of Oxidation Catalysts Studied with in situ Microwave Techniques

Friday, June 7, 2013: 8:20 AM
Jones (Galt House Hotel)
Maik Eichelbaum1,2, Christian Heine1, Annette Trunschke1 and Robert Schlögl1, (1)Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany, (2)BasCat Unicat-BASF Joint Lab, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
The electrical conductivity of different vanadium oxide catalysts for the selective oxidation of n-alkanes was studied with the newly developed in situ microwave cavity perturbation technique. We will show correlations between probed charge carriers and catalytic performance and deduced criteria for highly selective oxidation catalysts.

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