O-Th-Seg-5 Oligomer/Polymerization of Furfuryl Alcohol: Reaction Mechanism and Thermodynamic Properties

Thursday, June 6, 2013: 10:20 AM
Segell (Galt House Hotel)
Tae Jin Kim1,2, Rajeev S. Assary1, Hacksung Kim1, Christopher L. Marshall1, David Gosztola1, Larry A. Curtiss1 and Peter C. Stair3, (1)Argonne National Laboratory, USA, (2)SUNY at Stony Brook, USA, (3)Northwestern University, USA.
The liquid-phase oligomer/polymerization of furfuryl alcohol catalyzed by sulfuric acid catalysts and the identities of molecular intermediates were investigated by using Raman spectroscopy, gas chromatography and density functional theory calculation. It is confirmed that the formation of a conjugated diene structure rather than a diketone structure is involved during reaction.

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