O-M-BRA-1 Conversion of Glucose into Levulinic Acid with Solid Metal(IV) Phosphate Catalysts

Monday, June 3, 2013: 9:40 AM
Ballroom A (Galt House Hotel)
Ronen Weingarten1, Yong Tae Kim1, Geoffrey A. Tompsett2, Alejandro Fernández2, Kee Sung Han3, Edward W. Hagaman3, W. Curtis Conner2, James A. Dumesic1 and George W. Huber1, (1)University of Wisconsin Madison, USA, (2)University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, (3)Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
The function of Lewis and Brønsted acid sites has been established as related to the conversion of glucose to HMF and levulinic acid.  The catalytic activity and selectivity for all of the catalysts tested vary according to the Brønsted to Lewis ratio.  Zirconium phosphate is favorable for levulinic acid production.