O-M-BRA-3 Transformation of Aldose Sugars to Platform Furans Using CrCl3 with HCl in Aqueous Media

Monday, June 3, 2013: 10:20 AM
Ballroom A (Galt House Hotel)
Vinit Choudhary1, Samir H. Mushrif1, Chris Ho1, Cory Mackintosh1, Michael Orella1, Andre Anderko2, Vladimiros Nikolakis1, Nebojsa Marinkovic1, Anatoly I. Frenkel3, Dionisios G. Vlachos1 and Stanley I. Sandler1, (1)University of Delaware, USA, (2)OLI Systems Inc., USA, (3)Yeshiva University, USA.
Lewis acid catalyzed aldose sugar (glucose and xylose) isomerization to ketose in aqueous media is combined with a Brønsted acid to produce HMF and furfural, respectively. The kinetics, spectroscopies, and first-principle simulations provide comprehensive insights into the mechanism of bifunctional catalysts and processes, starting from the cheaper glucose and xylose.

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