OD24 Insight Into the Liquid-phase Aerobic Epoxidation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Gold Nanoparticles

Tuesday, June 9, 2009: 3:40 PM
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
Kevin Guillois , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France
Frederic Chieux , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France
Bertrand Istria , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France
Johany Ringuet , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France
Violaine Mendez , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France
Valerie Caps , IRCELYON (CNRS/University of Lyon), Villeurbanne, France

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